ShareLink API
Each platform has a standard interface for allowing people to share content from your apps.
With watchOS 9, you can now also present the share sheet from within your watch apps.
The new ShareLink view enables presenting that system share sheet from within your app.
You can simply provide it with the content to be shared and a preview to use in the share sheet, and it automatically creates a standard share icon button.
On tap, it presents the standard share sheet to send off the content.
in WinesTab
import Charts
import SwiftUI
struct Wines: Identifiable {
var name: String
var sales: Int
var id: String { name }
let sales: [Wines] = [
.init(name: "Margaux", sales: 500),
.init(name: "Médoc", sales: 460),
.init(name: "Blaye", sales: 300),
.init(name: "St Estèphe", sales: 290),
.init(name: "Sauternes", sales: 250),
.init(name: "Pessac-Léognan", sales: 20)
struct WinesTab: View {
@Environment(\.openWindow) var openWindow
var body: some View {
ZStack {
Chart(sales) { element in
BarMark (
x: .value("Sales", element.sales),
y: .value("Name",
.toolbar {
Button {
openWindow(id: "Sales")
} label: {
Image(systemName: "dollarsign")
.toolbar {
ShareLink(item: URL(string: "")!) {
Label("Share", image: "icon-fk")
struct WinesTab_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
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